Wednesday 19 June 2019


They may can talk about it
but they don't know how struggle i'm to face that

They may can talk about it 
but they don't know what i was plan to fix back our relationship to normal 

They may can talk about it 
but they don't know what i felt when she left me

They may can talk about it
but they don't know what i felt when i cannot settle down the problem before she left me

They may can talk about it
but the don't know that i'm felt loss because i dont have an opportunity to say YES for my mistakes

They may can talk about it
but they don't know what i felt when she left with the heartbreak ;( 

They may can talk about it
but they don't know that i'm felt guilty for myself for forever as long as  i'm not settle down the problem .

They may can talk about it
but they don't know that everyday i'm try to force myself to talk to her either in public or privately

They may can talk about it
but they don'y know that everyday i hope i can smile for a second  to her even we don't talk anymore 

They may can talk about it
but they don't know that  everytime i saw her smile , i felt guilty for my past mistakes

They may can talk about it
but the don't know deep inside that i'm really hope our friendship back to normal like before



pray for me guys 

Monday 11 February 2019